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How to cultivate Aronia

How to cultivate Aronia
There is a plant that combines valuable nutritional qualities with beautiful appearance. If you do not know what is, we will tell you. It is called Aronia and is increasingly popular among lovers gardeners.

Origin and characteristics
Home of Aronia is North America, where later transferred to Europe. Aronia herself is a shrub that reaches a height of 2.5-3 m. In the first few years she is retracted, but gradually grow new branches which becomes quite large. The root system is located in shallow soil - a 30-40 cm depth. From the main rhizome and stems are formed multiple shoots that pressurize the bush. The leaves are green and shiny, with large decorative effect. In autumn they are colored in red and are even more spectacular. Fruits are rounded, black, hard, look like varnished with wax coating. They are collected in beautiful grapes.
Aronia blooms in the second half of May. Although the blossom have not a pleasant smell, they are visited by bees. The fruits ripen simultaneously in August.
Aronia is also grown as an ornamental plant. She can be planted as hedges for fences.

Terms under which develops best
Although the plant is not demanding to heat it develops better at moderate temperatures. It grows and feels good to 1200-1500 m altitude. In high summer temperatures and low atmospheric humidity fruits are very juicy and have a bitter astringent taste.
On light Aronia is quite capricious. If there is shading in compression of the bush or nearby, plants can not deploy their full potential. Therefore, plant them so that they are not under the shade of fruit or ornamental trees or buildings.
Aronia is not demanding on the soil. However, more suitable for her are lighter, sandy clay or soils rich in nutrients.
The plant is particularly well developed in the foothill and mountain areas where rainfall is more frequent, and atmospheric humidity - higher.
During the rest Aronia withstands winter frosts to -30 ° C. Moreover, there is almost no damage for her from the late spring frosts, because of her late flowering.

Aronia can reproduce both by seed and vegetatively. In the first method initially seeds must be stratified, so it is more difficult to carry on from gardening enthusiast. The resulting plants are starting to bear fruit later. It is easier to multiply Aronia through root cuttings, arched or horizontal waveguides. So you will have fruits the second year.

If you decide to plant Aronia, autumn is the right time for this. Pre-select the most appropriate place for her. Once again, we need to remind - Aronia should not be overshadowed. Prepare the soil, handle it well, but before that it is advisable to scatter small organic and mineral fertilizers. You can put fertilizers in the propagating wells - 20 kg farmyard manure, 250 g superphosphate and 100 g Potassium Sulphate. Mix it well with a little soil and put clean soil at the top. Only then paste plant; the depth of planting should be the same as it was in the nursery. Wash well.

Aronia is among the most not-demanding plants in care. She is not attacked by diseases and pests, so does not need spraying. Of course, shallow loosening the soil, watering and feeding will reflect very well on her fruit bearing.
Pruning is important and necessary care. In the early years you just have to remove broken and dead branches. The actual pruning is done only after 6-7 years. It rejuvenates the tree and confines its size.
Aronia is characterized by the removal of fruit bearing to the top. If not cut, the branches are extended, and consequently the weight of fruits dip, while fruits themselves become smaller. It is therefore necessary to remove many of the old shoots and part of the young shoots. The aim is to strike a balance between branches of different ages, and their number must be 30-40 of bush.
Harvesting the fruits is simultaneously, as it is easier to detach the whole grapes. The advantage of Aronia over other berry species is that her fruits can be stored for awhile in the refrigerator. They can be prepared in a variety of jams, marmalades, juices, syrups, other beverages, including wine and brandy.

Fruits - extremely valuable
Aronia contains 18% dry matter, fructose and glucose (suitable for diabetics), organic acids, tannins and pectic matters. There is a high content of vitamin P, and vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K. Iodine content in Arona is 3-4 times higher than in other fruits. There are Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and many others. Aronia juice is healing; it improves metabolism, blood formation and tone, stimulates the thyroid gland, activates permeability and elasticity of blood vessels.

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